Pavement data

General considerations

The DEUFRABASE uses, by default, porous and dense French and German road pavements. However, users have the possibility to upload data concerning their own road pavements.

Note that, in the DEUFRABASE, if you choose a road geometry with a dense ground (respectively, a porous ground), you will be able to select dense pavements only (respectively, porous pavements).

For each road pavement, the LA,max values have been measured at a reference point located in the road vicinity, 7.50 m from the right lane axis and 1.20 m above the road surface, according to the Standard Pass-By method (SPB method [EN-ISO 11819-1]). Two speeds (VRef) have been considered for the passenger cars (90 and 110 km/h), and one for the heavy trucks (80 km/h).

French and German road pavements

By default, the DEUFRABASE is proposed with many French and German pavements of different kind: 

National acronymPavementTypeCountry
BBMThin Asphalt Concrete0/10French
BBDr, OPAPorous Asphalt0/6, 0/8, 0/10, 0/14French, German
BBTMVery Thin Asphalt Concrete0/6 type 1 and type 2, 0/8 type 1, 0/10 type 1 and 2, 0/14French
BBUM Very Thin Asphalt Concrete0/6, 0/10French
BBSGDense Asphalt Concrete0/10, 0/14French
ESSurface Dressing10/14, 6/10French
ECFCold-Applied Slurry SurfacingFrench
BC, ZBCement ConcreteFrench, German
ZWOPATwo-Layer Porous AsphaltGerman
SMAStone Mastic Asphalt0/11, 0/11 S, 0/5 LAGerman
GAGussasphalt0/5, 0/5 LA, 0/8 LAGerman
WBExposed Aggregate Concrete0/5, 0/8German
ZBKRCement Concrete treated with Synthetic Turf0,16German
ZBJTCement Concrete treated with Jute-Cloth0/16German

If you want to add other pavements directly in the DEUFRABASE, please contact us using the Contact form.

The mean road pavement LA,max spectrum have been obtained by averaging spectrum measured on several different roads with the same type of pavement, both in France and in Germany. For the French part, the mean spectrum have been obtained from the french road pavement database, maintained by the Cerema (Strasbourg laboratory)

Road pavements currently implemented in the DEUFRABASE

User road pavement data

Users can use their own road pavement data, for both the PC ('pc')  and the HT ('ht'), by uploading one file, with a given noise spectrum (see file template) for several PC speeds ('v90' and 'v110' for 90 km/h and 110 km/h, respectively) and a HT speed ('v80' for a heavy truck):

  • Users have to define the Lmax value (real value, without A-weighting) for each third octave band from 100 Hz to 4000 Hz for each vehicle speed.
  • Select 'dense' or 'porous' for the pavement 'type'.
  • Respect the file format. Do not remove line or add extra information.

When a file is uploaded to the server a test is carried out in order to verify the data. If a problem occurs, the file is not taken into account.


        "pavement_spectrum": {
            "630": 0.00,
            "200": 0.00,
            "2500": 0.00,
            "4000": 0.00,
            "1600": 0.00,
            "315": 0.00,
            "2000": 0.00,
            "3150": 0.00,
            "125": 0.00,
            "1250": 0.00,
            "400": 0.00,
            "100": 0.00,
            "800": 0.00,
            "160": 0.00,
            "250": 0.00,
            "500": 0.00,
            "1000": 0.00
        "pavementRealName": "MyOwnPavement 0/10",
        "vehicleType": "ht",
        "vehicleSpeed": "v80",
        "pavementNameInFile": "MyOwnPavement_0_10",
        "type": "dense_or_porous"
        "pavement_spectrum": {
            "630": 0.00,
            "200": 0.00,
            "2500": 0.00,
            "4000": 0.00,
            "1600": 0.00,
            "315": 0.00,
            "2000": 0.00,
            "3150": 0.00,
            "125": 0.00,
            "1250": 0.00,
            "400": 0.00,
            "100": 0.00,
            "800": 0.00,
            "160": 0.00,
            "250": 0.00,
            "500": 0.00,
            "1000": 0.00
        "pavementRealName": "MyOwnPavement 0/10",
        "vehicleType": "pc",
        "vehicleSpeed": "v90",
        "pavementNameInFile": "MyOwnPavement_0_10",
        "type": "dense_or_porous"
        "pavement_spectrum": {
            "630": 0.00,
            "200": 0.00,
            "2500": 0.00,
            "4000": 0.00,
            "1600": 0.00,
            "315": 0.00,
            "2000": 0.00,
            "3150": 0.00,
            "125": 0.00,
            "1250": 0.00,
            "400": 0.00,
            "100": 0.00,
            "800": 0.00,
            "160": 0.00,
            "250": 0.00,
            "500": 0.00,
            "1000": 0.00
        "pavementRealName": "MyOwnPavement 0/10",
        "vehicleType": "pc",
        "vehicleSpeed": "v110",
        "pavementNameInFile": "MyOwnPavement_0_10",
        "type": "dense_or_porous"